Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bivalve, Nutritional and Food Safety Aspects

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The one of favourite seafoods is Bivalve. Mussels, oysters and clams are the group of bivalve mollusc consumed in Indonesia, based on Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (2012) production Bivalve in 2011 reaching 90.316 ton. The characteristic are tender, easily in serving and digested, minimally processed that benefit of bivalve to winning seafoods market (Murchie et al, 2005). Its make bivalve potential to developed in order to fulfil foodstuff in society. Bivalve industry devide into two types explore i.e. bottom bivalve, were naturally grown on the seabad and cultivated on rope structure in aquaculture.

Perna Viridis
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Bivalve has important role, from ecological and economical aspect. Bivalve from ecological aspect are bivalve habits immobility or sedentery, filter feeding activity, low metabolism, contact with sediments, ability to bioaccumulate pollutans and high tolerance to chemical exposure due to a remarkably active immune system make this organism as bioindicator in monitoring of chemical pollutans and biomonitoring (estimation of environmental quality) in aquatic ecosystem (Emmanouil, Kypriotakis, Kungolos, & Machera, 2008; Gupta & Singh, 2011; Waykar & Deshmukh, 2012; Zuykov, Pelletier, & Harper, 2013 in Anacleto, P. et al. 2015)

Anadara granosa
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Important role from economical aspect are food component containing in bivalve, have high quality protein content , omega – 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), iodine and carbohydrate, vitamin, minerals, and taurin in Oyster 1178 mg/100 g and in Scallop 669mg/100g (Okuzumi and Fujii, 2000 in Nurjannah et al. 2011; Grienke, U. 2014) as important component in human diet. Beside that, mussels have bioactive component from protein, peptide, amino acids, lipid and carbohydrate that have specific function like antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti – inflammatory, antihypertensive, antifungal, anticoagulant, anti-thrombin, adhesive for surgical applications (Grienke, U. 2014). 

Amusium pleuronectes
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Bivalve habitat commonly lives in estuaries that are subjected anthropogenic pressure, thus being exposed to high level of toxin especially heavy metal like Pb, Cr, Cd. Contamination heavy metal have potential hazard to give focus attention if we want serving safety bivalve to consume, heavy metal can’t absorp and give accumulation effect in human body. For example, health status affect, decreasing development intelligence, hyperactive, and growth disordesr on baby if consumed by pregnant mother (Meyer et al, 2003). Cromium (Cr) have carsinogenic effect if consumed more than minimal limit allowed, Cadmium (Cd) will accumalted in hepar and kidney, if exceed minimal limit allowed causing  kidney damaged (Jalaludin et al. 2005; Linder, 1992). 
Table 1 showed that Maximum Permisissible Limits (MPLs) heavy metal in tissue mussels from any standar.

Table 1. Maximum Permisissible Limits (MPLs) heavy metal in tissue mussels from any standar
Indonesian National Standart
(SNI 01-7387-2009)
0,3 mg/Kg
1 mg/Kg
1 mg/Kg
EC (Commision Regulation)
No 1881/2006 of 19 Des 2006
1,5 mg/Kg
1,0 mg/Kg
2,0 mg/Kg
50-200 µg/day
57-71 µg/day

Researchs has been done to reduce heavy metal contamination in Bivalve, such as :
1.      Depuration
Commercial depuration method (EC No 853/2004) with resirculated tanks (width, 31 cm; lenght, 31 cm; height, 40 cm) has filled Bivalves containing 15 L UV sterilized and filtered seawater (0,2 µm). Flow rate entering the circuit was 2,9 L/min using continous aeration and constant tenperature (17,6°C), salinity (35 g/L) and pH (6,98) for 2 day (depuration time) gave significant effect to reduce Pb in Ruditapes philippinarum (70,5%), Mytilus galloprovincialis (26,6%), Scrobicularia plana (38,8%) (Anacleto, P. 2015).
2.      Soaking in Organic Materials
Soaking in 25% lime acid solution for 30 minute can reduce 25% Cd in Anadara granosa (Sinaga, D. 2011).
Soaking in 4% alginate solution for 30 minute can reduce 70% Cd in Anadara granosa (Furqon al Chusein and Ibrahim, Ratna. 2012)

Anacleto, Patricia., Ana Luis Mauvault., Maria Leonor Nunes., Maria Luísa Carvalho., Rui Rosa., Antonio Marques., 2015. Effects of depuration on metal levels and health status of bivalve molluscs. Food Control. 47 (2015) 493 – 501.
Furqon al Chusein, Achid and Ibrahim, Ratna. 2012. Soaking Period of Cooked (Anadara granosa) Meat in Alginate Solution to Cadmium (Cd) Content Reduction. Jurnal Saintek Perikanan Vol. 8 No 1. 2012.
Grienke, Ulrike., Joe Silke., Deniz Tasdemir. 2014. Bioactive Compounds From Marine Mussels And Their Effects On Human Health. Food Chemistry 142 (2014) 48 – 60.
Jalaluddin, M. Noor., Ambeng. 2005. Heavy Metals Analysis (Pb, Cd, and Cr) in Sea Mussels (Hiatula chinensisAnadara granosa, dan Marcia optima). Marina Chimica Acta Vol. 6 No. 2: 17-20.
Linder, M. C. 1992. Biochemistry Nutrition and Metabolism. Indonesian University Press. Jakarta.
Meyer, Pamela A., Mc. Geehin., Michael A., Falk Henry. 2003. A Global Approach to Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention. International Journal Hygiene Environmental Health 206: 363-369.
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. 2012. Marine and Fisheries Statistic 2011. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Jakarta. 302 page.
Murchie, L. W., Cruz-Romero, M., Kerry, J. P., Linton, M., Patterson, M. F., Smiddy, M., et al (2005). High pressure processing of shellfish: a review of microbiological and other quality aspects. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 6(3), 257 – 270.

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